I began a capsule wardrobe back in May of this past year and it changed everything for me. 2023 has just begun, why not start a capsule wardrobe this year? Coming out of the most transitional years of our lives (hi 2020), my social skills were impacted, my motivation and self confidence were impacted. I felt overwhelmed by the amount of clothes in my closet and clutter in my life. Even the smallest things, like dozens of unread texts messages on my phone made me feel like I was drowning. I’d heard of “capsule wardrobes” from those minimalist influencers and youtubers back in 2016, but I’m certainly not a minimalist. I never really thought much of it until I found myself anxious and overwhelmed by my closet. It was time I made a change and that’s what lead me here.
What is a capsule wardrobe?
Let’s start with a brief explanation of what all of this is. A capsule wardrobe is a select number of clothing items that one chooses to wear, on rotation, for a period of time. This can be a variety of things, this can include your shoes, accessories, or even your underwear. This could be 12 items, 20 items, 30 items; you make it what you like. The idea is that you remove the potential for “decision fatigue” and simplify your wardrobe and life by only wearing things you love and feel good in. I’ll be sharing more on HOW to go about this in the future so be sure to stick around. Also, join my email list so you don’t miss out on any updates! join here
now onto, why YOU should start a capsule wardrobe in 2023

You might want to start a capsule wardrobe, if:
- you struggle with “decision fatigue” or overwhelm
- you live a busy and fast-passed life
- you have a difficult time defining your personal style
- you shop for new clothes more often than you think you should
- you feel that your home and closet are cluttered and unorganized
- you are looking for ways to simplify your life
If you’re nodding your head in agreement with any one of these points, this is for you.
My main reasons for starting my capsule were:
- I was struggling with anxiety in my job and saw it bleeding into other areas of my life like my closet.
- I was over-shopping and over-consuming. I felt burnt out by style trends changing so quickly and tired of feeling like I needed to keep up.
- My closet and dresser were overflowing with clothes I NEVER WORE. It all felt so cluttered and unorganized
New year new minimal wardrobe
With the new year starting, this is the perfect time to simplify your life a bit. Especially coming out of the holiday season with all of the shopping and the focus on acquiring more things. January tends to be slower than the previous few months and gives you the time and space to assess your closet and ditch the things that are no longer serving you.
Along with new year intentions, it’s a perfect time to minimize your spend. I have several friends that ditch shopping for the whole month of January to replenish their bank accounts post Christmas shopping. If you feel like you shop too much or buy new clothes for yourself more often than you’d like, this could be a great time to do something like that.
The best thing about creating and implementing a capsule wardrobe is you make it what you want it to be and let it serve you however you like. By establishing a collection of versatile clothing that can be worn over and over, you remove so many of the little problems and frustrations brought on by a cluttered closet.
By starting a capsule wardrobe, you will find it saves you so much time at the start of your day knowing you have a select number of clothing items to choose from; clothes that you feel most confident, comfortable, and like yourself in.
Ready to start your capsule wardrobe?
I created a free capsule wardrobe checklist to help you get started with your very own capsule. This guide is incredibly thorough and created to give you everything you need to start your very own curated collection of clothes you love!
Download the free guide here

love this anna! My New Year’s resolution is to do a wardrobe capsule. I actually just bought 2 basic body suits, black trousers, & a black blazer to start off. So excited to not be stressed out while choosing outfits.